January 14, 2011

Image-blocking software

I'm armed to the teeth with software blockers. I haven't seen an ad on the internet in years. I also block Flash because it plays without my permission and fouls my area with unwanted noise. I'm very happy with these tools, easily available to Firefox users.

But where is effective image-blocking software? Why can't I say I don't want to see an image ever again -- like the foolish face of the Arizona killer in his attention-seeking mugshot -- and poof, it's gone from every page I visit? The software wouldn't have to know all faces and shapes; it need only find one face based on my input image. Ideally, it could could zap that image from every page regardless of file name. Why isn't this available?

It's a frequent peeve of mine. I don't like having certain aspects of our culture poured over me like the contents of a cess pool. There are nauseating images that are repeated from blog to blog, and media site to media site. I don't want these images in my life.

Surely such software exists. Anyone?

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